iEARN Taisho Koto Project                              

iEARN 2003 was Awaji in Japan.

There had many kind of

Did you remember?

That named "Do enjoy with
Japanese musical instruments".

It is start with Taisho Koto

Click here.....

iEARN 2003 in Japn
I am Post Bear.

My work is a mail carrier.

I visit the school with the Taisho

I report how environment around
Taisho koto and the report an
electronic book in a mass.

The electronic book is shown

I will know "power of the music"
through this activity.

1. An introduction to Taiso Koto Project  

Taishokoto learning

An outline of iEARN Taisho Koto Project

Question Answer
1 Name of Project Taisho koto Project
2 Brief one-sentence description of

How do you think about power of the music?

3 Full description of project
  1. To devise a representation with TaishoKoto
    music, listen to friends around the world trying.
  • Taisho Koto workshops and international
    conferences iEARN, countries wishing to
    donate to exchange instruments of Taisho
    Koto was used in the workshop.
  • Taisho Koto using donated · think
    yourself a style of music, what you play, sent
    to headquarters to take the video project
    Taisho Koto.
  • Cast as a video sent from each country to
    hold a concert video.
  • Contents of the video, decide for each award,
    plaque or certificate and send in a iEARN
    conference follows an alternative to it. At the
    same time, video concert, place the audience
    in Nagoya, also looking for local participants to
    live on Ustream.
4 Age/level of project participants

If you like music, any age can join.

5 Timetable/Schedule for the project

July/ Start is Conference in Taiwan.<Eachcountry to
Sometimes we will have Taisho Koto exchanges each
 February/Video concert will be held in Nagoya.
iEARN conference next year and honored at

6 Possible project/classroom activities Music class or Club.
7 Expected outcomes/products

TaishoKotoinstruments,the school can distribute to
the world, led by world music, a smile spreading.

8 Project contribution to others and
the planet


9 Project language(s) English or Japanese
10 Curriculum/Subject area Music class.
11 Names/email of initial participating
Taiwan 2
Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh 1
Turkey 1
Korea 1
Thailand 2
The Netherlaands 1
Belarus 1
Canada 4
Russia 1
Jordan 1
Australia 1
Serbia 1
Puerto Rico 1
Japan 4

12 Name of facilitator(s) Ms. Motoko Hirota
13 Email offacilitator(s)
14 iEARN Forum Music Forum
Do you have a password of iEARN?
Password is necessary.
15 WWW page of project (not

Taisho Koto Project URL